
C-MATI is an interdisciplinary research center focusing on acute problems in infectious diseases and clinical treatments

  • Outbreaks of infectious diseases
  • Development and evaluation of treatments
  • Special populations, such as persons who inject drugs (PWID), men who have sex with men (MSM)

Many of our studies use mathematical and computational models, including models that use differential equations, agent-based simulations, optimization, and graph theory. Our models incorporate macro level paradigms (e.g. populations and social networks) and micro level (e.g. viral kinetics, bioinformatics). The center develops open-source software for use by researchers and clinicians. We frequently collect the data required by our models.

The center brings expertise from mathematical computational modeling, public health, virology, immunology, sociology and others. We strive to foster and participate in collaborative research with high societal impact using computational and mathematical techniques.